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Belotero Balance Lidocain for sale


Belotero Balance Lidocaine 1ml

Belotero Balance Lidocaine 1ml: The state of the skin is the main criterion when it comes to determining a person’s age. This can be not only the face, but also the hands, neck and decollete. As soon as the state of the skin changes, this indicates disturbance of metabolism. To minimize the impact of factors leading to aging, fillers should be used. In comparison with creams, they are more effective and at the same time do not require operations.

Characteristics Worth the Belotero Balance Price

This cosmetic corrector is based on hyaluronic acid. Its concentration is 22.5 milligrams per milliliter. Its advantage is that it is cross-linked high-molecular-weight. In order to modify the polymer, the manufacturer uses the CMP technique. It is based on the fact that there is a gradual molecular binding that contributes to the creation of a purified filler.

Such a structure promotes the formation of a dense “core” in tissue structures that retains moisture in order to normalize metabolic reactions. The filler remains under the skin for 12 months. It blends perfectly well with the patient’s tissues and does not cause allergic reactions.

Why Buy Belotero Balance Online: Indications for the Procedure

The preparation is ideal for mature skin of the face. It is used in case of the following conditions:

  • the formation of the so-called marionette lines;
  • the appearance of crow’s feet in the area of the corners of the eyelids;
  • the formation of nasolabial creases;
  • the appearance of facial wrinkles around the mouth;
  • the presence of scars of any origin;
  • the need to improve the volume of the lips;
  • the need to combat facial deformities;
  • the need to restore the contours of the chin.

The product should be introduced under the skin by an experienced specialist.

To buy Belotero Balance online wholesale you can visit our store. When you buy Belotero Balance online discounts are available.

How It is Performed

The procedure lasts 30-40 minutes. It consists of the following steps:

  • makeup removal;
  • face disinfection;
  • application of an anesthetic composition;
  • elimination of pain;
  • a series of injections;
  • application of cream on the skin.

Syringes equipped with a thin needle are used to administer the composition. Cannulas with thin walls can be used instead of them. All this is available from this Belotero Balance supplier.

Restrictions on Use

The preparation is usually not used in the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • an allergic reaction to components;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • being under the age of 18;
  • signs of an acute inflammation on the skin;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • susceptibility to keloids;
  • tissue hypertrophy;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of any nature.

The gel is not applied to bone tissue and muscle system. It is not used to improve blood vessels and mammary glands.

During the first week after the introduction of the preparation, redness and excessive soreness of the skin are observed. Tissues may be swollen, but a visit to a specialist is not required. What concerns more complicated responses, they are manifested by the inflammatory process, hematomas and edema. If they are not over within 1-2 days, it is necessary to consult a specialized doctor.


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