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Ellanse S 1ml


About Ellanse-S

Ellanse S is an injectable product designed with a polycaprolactone bio stimulator that smoothes wrinkles. The filler also corrects the oval face, emphasizes the shape of the cheekbones and tightens the skin. Ellanse S does not contain hyaluronic acid, so it is safe for everyone to cause allergic reactions.

How to buy Ellanse S online or buy Ellanse S wholesale?

You can buy Ellanse S in the online store Beauty Dermal. Beauty dermal is an Ellanse S supplier. Ellanse S price varies in different range, but the Beauty Dermal supplier offers the most advantageous value in the market of products.

What is the benefit of Ellanse inject?

The product should be introduced into the middle layer of the epidermis, whereby the skin is filled with moisture. The effect after insertion of the filler can be of different duration but generally lasts from 12 to 16 months. The filler helps to activate and restore the collagen secretion in the skin, controls the release of fat and gives the skin a natural, beautiful tone and fills the wrinkles of medium depth. The filler can also be used to smooth the skin from the scar, rarely used in the abdomen, hips, décolleté and arms.

To whom Ellanse S injections are contraindicated?

Ellanse Ñ–s a safe product and like everyone else, it has a number of contraindications, such as:

  1. Hematoma
  2. swelling of the face
  3. allergic reactions to any component of the product
  4. infections on the face
  5. redness

It is forbidden to enter the product during pregnancy. It is also not possible to insert a filler when there is hypersensitivity of the skin, problems with skin folding and there is a rehabilitation period after surgery.

How is Ellanse different from other fillers?

Due to its unique composition, the filler not only normalizes the fat balance and water balance but also stimulates the process of natural collagen production. The advantage of the filler is also that it can be combined with other anti-aging products.


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