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Juvederm Volbella (2x1ml)


Juvederm Volbella Delicate Correction

Juvederm Volbella, In the basis of the manufacture of this composition there is a unique VYCROSS technology. With its formula of synthesis, it is easy to “glue” the chains of the substance together to ensure a lasting effect on the skin. The preparation has a minimum number of free bonds, which distinguishes it from similar compositions. The gel is characterized by a homogeneous smooth texture. All this provides convenience and ease of introduction, as well as even distribution.

There are three main “ingredients” in the composition:


  • hyaluronic acid ensures the formation of the active ingredient depot in the skin;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride makes this procedure painless and promotes complete relaxation of the patient’s muscles;
  • phosphate buffer makes it possible to get the concentrate to the required volume.


Cosmetologists like this product for such advantages as convenient consistence and even distribution in tissue structures, which explains the fact that they buy Juvederm Volbella online wholesale.

Reasons to Buy Juvederm Volbella Online: Indications for Use

The product is ideal to suit the following application needs:


  • lip contour correction;
  • adding volume to the lips;
  • improving the grain of the skin;
  • elimination of folds;
  • removing bags in the eye area;
  • raising corners of the eyes.


Due to the homogeneous and soft texture the gel can be used for the correction of wrinkles of all types regardless of the area and depth of their occurrence.

Affordable Juvederm Volbella Price Coupled with Its Advantages

When the dermal filler appeared in 2013, it became a real sensation and caught the fancy of most cosmetologists. It features optimal properties that make it indispensable. The VYCROSS technology, which is used to make the composition, is ideally appropriate, so the gel offers numerous advantages:

  • a long-lasting effect for a period of 9-12 months;
  • a completely natural composition;
  • a guaranteed pronounced effect;
  • the minimum number of adverse reactions after the use of the product;
  • no need for anesthesia.

When you buy Juvederm Volbella online discounts are a nice bonus.

Restrictions and Precautionary Measures

The product contains hyaluronic acid. It is of non-animal origin, so the probability of allergic reactions is minimal. However, there are some restrictions on the use of the composition that should be taken into account:

  • previously performed laser therapy;
  • inflammatory processes going on in the area of the medication administration;
  • hypersensitivity of individual components;
  • occurrence of epileptic seizures;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • gestation and feeding the baby;
  • being under the age of 18.

It is recommended to repeatedly inject the filler not earlier than several months after the treatment has been performed. This is because the skin needs a certain period of time to completely recover. There are several possible complications associated with the use of this composition:

  • swelling;
  • reddening;
  • sensitivity disorders;
  • pigmentation;
  • bruising.

All these side effects immediately go away, within a few days after the introduction of the filler. If this is not the case, an urgent medical intervention is required. The product should be stored in a dry place that is protected from the direct sunlight. Before you contact a Juvederm Volbella supplier, consult a specialist.


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