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Teosyal Meso 1ml


The massive success of the Teosial product line, which includes many preparations for the correction of wrinkles, skin nourishment and bio revitalization is due to the highest quality standards of the Swiss Company and constant innovation. Each Teosyal fillers is designed for different Facial Areas

About Teosyal Meso

Тhe Swiss filler Teosyal Meso is the hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler of non-animal origin. There is a high degree of purification from proteins and bacteria, which connects the chains inside the molecule and provides a long-lasting result. The drug contains a good concentration of hyaluronic acid – 15 milligrams per 1 gram. The result can be seen up to 3 days after the product introduction, which makes the filler even more popular.

Can I buy Teosyal Meso online in USA and can І buy Teosyal Meso wholesale?

You can use our service and buy Teosyal Meso online in the USA at the Tesa Cosmetics online store. We offer you the best service and the best deals to buy Teosyal Meso wholesale. The company also provides the opportunity to choose the convenient way of delivery for you and get help with the ordered Teosyal Meso.

How long is the product injection course?

The course of injections includes 1 procedure with an interval of 10-13 days and includes 5 sessions. You can discuss the exact amount of procedures with your specialist. Mesotherapy with Teosуal injection is almost painless, which is comfortable for the patient and the cosmetologist.

What are the benefits of Тeosyal Меso filler?

The gel absorbs moisture in dehydrated skin and is also suitable for a restorative course after skin damage. Teosyal Meso helps to restore the skin after exposure to the laser, eliminates small wrinkles, gives the skin a healthy look, narrows the pores, promotes lifting effect, fills the wrinkles of medium depth. The product moisturizes the skin of the neck, neckline, and hands. Thanks to the developed effective formula hyaluronic acid in the composition of the product stimulate the natural processes of collagen production.

What are the contraindications for using a filler?

After the injection, there may occur bruising or swelling. But after 8-10 hours, these effects of the procedure must pass. There are several contraindications, in which the use of Teosyal Meso becomes impossible when the patient has an allergic reaction to any component of the drug, infectious and immune diseases, and purulent skin lesions. It is forbidden to enter the product during pregnancy and persons under 18 years.

What are the benefits of an online shop Tesa Cosmetics and what is the cost of Teosyal Meso?

Tesa Cosmetics is an online store and Teosyal Meso supplier where you can buy products wholesale or in retail. Teosyal Meso price varies in different ranges, but we offer you affordable prices and quality delivery. The price for Teosyal Meso in the online store of Tesa Cosmetics is much lower than other online services offer.


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