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Juvederm Voluma Lidocaine 2x1ml


How the Procedure Proceeds

Juvederm Voluma Lidocaine 2x1ml: Only people who have got appropriate medical education can work with this product. Before administering the preparation under the patient’s skin, it is necessary to warn about the indications and contraindications and possible adverse reactions. This is followed by a thorough disinfection of the injection preparation area so that it is as sterile as possible. The needles included in the kit are intended strictly for single use, it is inadmissible to reuse them considering the increased risk of an infectious process.

The preparation should be stored at room temperature, at least half an hour before giving the injection. The depth of the injection is determined by the doctor individually and depends on several factors. These include the severity of the folds and the degree of the prospective correction. If the skin begins to sharply and considerably grow white, the introduction of the preparation must be stopped. The damaged area should be massaged until it gains its natural shade.

Before You Buy Juvederm Voluma with Lidocaine Online: Precautionary Measures

You cannot use the filler in the following cases:

  • if there is another filler in the area of introduction, and there is no information concerning their compatibility;
  • if permanent makeup has been performed, or implants have been inserted;
  • if there is ammonium salt in the area of introduction;
  • if there is edema, hyperemia in the area of the prospective introduction of the composition;
  • if the patient is taking aspirin and NSAIDs.

The preparation is not used to increase the size of mammary glands. It is not allowed to introduce it into the bones, tendons, muscle structures and ligaments. It is not recommended to touch the affected area for half a day after the procedure.

You should also keep in mind the following restrictions:

  • Introduction into the area around the eyes;
  • being in an “interesting” condition;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • introduction into blood vessels;
  • susceptibility to hypertrophic scarring;
  • streptococcus;
  • laser therapy;
  • undergoing pulsed radiation procedures at the same time;
  • being under the age of 18;
  • inflammatory processes of the skin;
  • unattainable treatment effect;
  • allergic reactions of the multiple type;
  • pathologies of an acute or chronic nature in the prospective area of administration;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the preparation.

Duration of the Effect and Ways to Reduce the Juvederm Voluma with Lidocaine Price

The effect of the preparation lasts a maximum of 18 months, after which the procedure can be repeated. So that a course of treatment will not cost a pretty penny, buy Juvederm Voluma with Lidocaine online wholesale.

Storage Conditions

The preparation is incompatible with antibiotic agents. It is produced in one milliliter syringes. The period during which the agent is suitable for use is indicated on each pack. The storage temperature is from 2 to 25 degrees. It is important to avoid direct exposure of the product to sunlight and frost. As a Juvederm Voluma with Lidocaine supplier, we strictly observe the proper storage of the product. Do not hesitate to contact us to buy Juvederm Voluma with Lidocaine online (discounts guaranteed).

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