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Teosyal Puresense Kiss 1ml for sale


About Teosyal Puresense Kiss

Teosyal Puresense Kiss is a Swedish filler, based on hyaluronic acid with a concentration of 25 milligrams per 1 gram of product, which additionally contains lidocaine. The filler is designed to correct the lip area. Teosyal Puresense Kiss has a transparent and single-phase structure that is also used to give moisture to the lips. Hyaluronic acid molecules enter the skin, attach to the subcutaneous matrix and accumulate moisture in the cells. With this consistency, you can achieve a prolonged result lasting from 24 to 36 weeks. Hyaluronic acid in the product is of bacterial origin and undergoes a high degree of purification, which makes the product safe and completely compatible with the skin.

Can I buy Teosyal Puresense Kiss online in USA and can І buy Teosyal Puresense Kiss wholesale?

You can use our service and buy Teosyal Puresense Kiss online in the online store of Beauty Dermal. We offer you the best service and the best deals to buy Teosyal Puresense Kiss wholesale. With us, you have the opportunity to choose the convenient way of delivery for you and get help with the ordered Teosyal Puresense Kiss.

How Teosyal Puresense Kiss injection affects my lips?

The filler can be used to create the natural volume of the lips, moisturizing and forming the contour of the lips. It also fills the wrinkles in the perioral area and corrects asymmetry. The filler can also be used to:

  1. Tighten the oval outline;
  2. Add volume to blank areas;
  3. Align the skin relief;

Lidocaine is one of the main constituents of the product. It reduces pain during the procedure. The patient doesn’t feel discomfort during the injection, and the specialist can introduce the product without distraction.

What are the contraindications for entering the Teosyal PureSense Kiss filler?

The effect after the gel application is immediately visible, but the client should wait 2-3 days when the product will take a natural form under the skin. Sometimes the introduction of filler is accompanied by the formation of hematoma, edema, blood flow. Patients with sensitive skin may experience moderate pain while injecting the product. The filler is forbidden to enter when the patient has:

  1. Sensitivity to hyaluronic acid and lidocaine;
  2. Skin infections or cold sores in the active state;
  3. Autoimmune diseases;
  4. There is a tendency to scar formation;
  5. During pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  6. The patient is taking anticoagulants;
  7. The person is under 18 years of age.

What are the benefits of an online shop Beauty Dermal and what is the cost of Teosyal Puresense Kiss?

Beauty Dermal is an online store that is a Teosyal Puresense Kiss supplier. You can make wholesale purchases or buy dermal products in retail. Teosyal Puresense Kiss price varies in different ranges, but we offer you affordable prices and quality delivery. The price for Teosyal Puresense Kiss at the online store of Beauty dermal is much lower than other online services offer.


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